
Building Owners

As a Building Owner, Property Manager, or Building Maintenance Team, you have a lot of plates in the air -- everything from leasing and tenant finish-outs, to cleaning and security, to the comfort of everyone in the building.

Comfort. That’s where Powers comes in.

Building HVAC systems provide comfort when operating properly. What’s it take to create and maintain that comfort? A well-designed system with the right HVAC equipment, air distribution, and controls, along with preventive maintenance to ensure all systems are performing efficiently and meeting the comfort needs of the people in your building.


At Powers, we do all things HVAC. No matter what you and your team need, we have the people, the equipment, and the expertise to handle it.

  • HVAC Equipment
  • Building Automation & Controls
  • Air Distribution
  • Retrofit Projects
  • Boiler Service
  • Mechanical Service
  • Controls Service
  • Parts
  • Chiller Service

We help you with service, equipment replacements, controls programming for comfort and energy efficiency, budgeting, training, and ongoing maintenance so you can concentrate on all the other requirements of owning and operating a building. By taking on the challenge of comfort through oversight of your HVAC systems, our goal is to deliver a building that occupants enjoy.


Our Powers team works to understand your building’s unique HVAC systems and to provide recommendations and a budget when those systems need upgrading because of age, reliability, changes in the space, energy consumption, or comfort. Our Powers Mechanical Service team knows your building’s HVAC equipment, and along with our Retrofit Projects team, we provide budgets, often years out, so replacements and upgrades can be part of your future budget plans. In this way, there are no surprises -- no emergency repairs or replacements -- and HVAC system upgrades can be scheduled to meet your timeframe and budget. Planning for upgrades is less expensive than emergency replacements.

Energy Efficiency

Our Powers Controls and Controls Service teams deliver comfort with efficiency. We can reduce energy usage on almost any HVAC system through programming changes that meet both comfort and energy goals.


24/7 we have you covered.

  • Powers Mechanical Service techs provide preventive and scheduled maintenance service to maintain the equipment in top shape.
  • Powers Boiler Service techs know boilers and will keep the heat on.
  • Powers Controls Service techs provide service across the HVAC board, from the thermostat to the HVAC controllers, graphics, programming, and remote login to provide proactive service. Using our SIEMENS building automation system and our Master Systems Integrators for those integration needs, we set up the controls to provide alarms, trending, analysis, and remote alerts to tell us how the system is operating. Often our proactive alerts allow us to discover and solve potential comfort issues before the people in the building even notice a problem.

Selection and Design

We work with you to provide HVAC equipment selections, technical data, and all the information needed to meet the design needs of your building’s HVAC systems. If the project requires a Design Engineer, we help round up all the information, selections, and sizes to fit the job.

Retrofit Projects

Replacing equipment in an existing space requires an acquired expertise. Often there are no design plans available, but our seasoned team has years of experience in solving the “how do we get the old out and the new in with the least interruption” question. Our Retrofit Projects team is uniquely qualified to think outside the box and develop a plan that takes all factors into consideration -- including the unexpected.

Have a project you need help with? Give us a call at 877.274.7127 or use our online contact form..